Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stop the Insanity

It's time, no, it's way past time to stop the insanity. Can I use a phrase like that that's copyrighted? Anyway, I have got to lose weight! It is the root cause of all my health problems. All my achy joints, my gout, not having any energy all are caused by my excessive weight. I've always been big, but now I'm so overboard. Yesterday Freida pulled out our scales and I weighed 316 lbs.

Thursday night I went to be hypnotized. I really don't believe that will work for me but it seemed to work for us to quit smoking. It didn't cost anything since I had been before so I didn't have anything to lose.

I begin a new odyssey to lose down to a respectable size. My goal is 220 and that will be amazing if I reach it, but surely I could get down to 260 or maybe 250. Anything will help and maybe I can stay there. The secret will be changing several of my bad habits. We'll just see what happens over the next couple of months.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tonight I went to a weight loss hypnosis session in hopes that it might work. Three years ago Freida and I both went to the quit smoking session and we both quit! We stayed quit until Wes was dying. Such irony that as Wes was dying from lung cancer, we calmed ourselves by smoking.

Anyway, I don't really believe that hypnotism works, but then again, it worked for smoking. This would make such a difference in my life if I can lose 80 to 100 pounds. My goal is to weigh 220 and stay there. We'll see what happens over the next few months.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Well here I am, just two weeks away from my last gout attack and I'm having another attack. I decided to try out the Trussville Doc-in-a-box and I was there a total of one hour! That's all, from walking in the front door to walking out with an supposed miracle cure. Also, I had a temperature of 102 and that's still a mystery as to why. Anyway, he was a nice doctor and he gave me plenty of indocin but no shots. I hope this works according to his plan. The Loritabs are keeping me comfortably numb.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cabin Fever is rampant on Hamby Avenue. Snow is falling again today so I guess we have an extended stay again. Two days out of school and we'll see about tomorrow. It's supposed to go down to 17 tonight so it doesn't look good.

Quite a strange thing has happened since yesterday. I love to take pictures of the birds that come to feed in our backyard. I counted 12 cardinals on one side of the dogwood this morning. We have had several other birds too and I finally posted pictures on FaceBook. Within five minutes of posting the original album I had about 20 comments. They are still coming. This morning I posted new pics that I'd done today and I'm getting even more comments, all favorable.

I've taken a few more and now I don't know if I should post any more or not. I guess so because they sure do seem popular.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

After a wild and crazy first day back with the teachers, I'm exhausted. I was supposed to facilitate the faculty learning how to put things on their webpage. Between all the conversations and questions like "how do I cut and past?" it was a tough session, both times. You would think that teachers in the year 2011 would know basic computer skills like copy and paste.

It amazes me when we talk the big talk about making our students life-time learners when so many of my kind, teachers, don't want to learn. Teachers are a strange breed that seem to think they know lots, but it seems to me they only know about whatever it is that they teach and aren't curious to know anything else.

After being on FaceBook with many of our teachers here, I'm not too sure they know basic grammar. When you can't use the correct to, too or two and certainly not your and you're correctly, it makes me wonder what's going on inside your well-educated mind.

I just finished a discussion with a couple of teachers about the difference in saving something to the server and to their computer. After twenty minutes and five different examples I think they might have an idea of the difference, but I'm not too sure!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Celani made me feel quilty!

Well, guilt has brought me back to post again. I just read Celeni's excellent post and felt I should give it another stab. If I could get in good habit form, I'd do this much more often. Actually, if I could get in good habit form, I'd do a lot more things more often. Maybe I could make another of those worthless New Year's resolutions, but why bother?

Tomorrow I make my way back into the wonderful world of work and hopefully, will be able to get about 50 ladies that have as little desire to be there as I do, to learn how to put something on their webpage. I'm sure I'll face an uphill battle, but maybe, just maybe, several will learn what to do and retain that understanding. It really isn't all that hard, just too many steps. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll even post about it tomorrow when I get home.

I mentioned reading Celani's post. She is certainly a talented and wonderful girl, or lady I should say. She's my age so I don't think of her as a lady, but just a kid like me. We all need to spend more time together because we certainly don't want to lose touch with her.

After a day of sinus problems I hope I sleep well tonight and can get ready for tomorrow! Happy New Year!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tough Day

Well, I'm back on top of the world today, but it took a lot to get to this point. I had my first experience with a colonoscopy today. The procedure itself was nothing, worst part being getting an IV, but the prep work was miserable. Since Monday I've had to be careful what I eat and then yesterday I lived on banana popsicles. This has been a fortnight of medical adventures for me. Monday I did a sleep study and started using a CPAP machine which is a great boon to both our sleep. Last week I was out sick two days and then had a gout attack. While I was in the Doc’s for gout, she determined I had a bacterial infection. I’ve never had a time like this in my life where sickness prevailed. I surely hope this is the end of my travail….